The Confessions of a Shofayeholic

Have you ever felt satisfied when you checked out something from your shopping cart online? Because same! That was literally me, especially during the time of the pandemic. Every day I was so happy and excited whenever I received packages I ordered online. It was a therapeutic moment for me. Not until I saw the pile of random things in a corner and thought that maybe this is actually getting out of hand. I told myself that I’m not going to be the same shofayeholic as before.
Here’s what I learned as a former Shofayeholic
Needs vs. Wants
Graphic | Erika Faye Breboneria
As cliche as it sounds, you have to prioritize the things that you need and not the things that you want. Even though you still have money in your wallet, don’t spend it on something that is not necessary. If I were the same shofayeholic as before, I would probably spend it on a cute bag or a gorgeous dress. But since I am now mature in handling my finances, I will certainly keep my money and save it.
Don’t be fooled by discounts or vouchers.
Graphic | Erika Faye Breboneria
I know it’s hard to resist when you see big discounts and even free shipping vouchers, but again if you don’t need it, don’t buy it. I remember, there’s a quote that I happened to see while I was browsing my phone and it goes something like this ‘If it’s on sale, and it’s not something you need, then it is still expensive’. And just like that, it hit me. Because honestly, I’m also once excited whenever there’s a sale pile.
Learn to budget your finances.
Graphic | Erika Faye Breboneria
Budgeting can be quite overwhelming for a lot of people. But, if you really make it a habit to list down all your expenses, it will eventually be a lot easier. In this way, you can track all your money and just put a reasonable amount for shopping rather than splurging it all on non-essential items. You can do this on a piece of paper or notes on your phone.
It’s okay to shop every once in a while, but make sure you save up for the rainy days as well!

Erika loves her time being alone but equally enjoy working as part of a team. As a writer, she always wants to have a draft first and then just rewrite everything once it's done and finalized. She is quite outspoken and prefer reading texts out loud. Her favorite things include watching rom-com films/shows, eating sweets, and singing.