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Quarantine Culture: The Curse of Face Masks

Quarantine Culture: The Curse of Face Masks

Sticky faces, sweat-beaded foreheads, and suffocation because of the layers of face masks upon one’s features seemed like fashion trends during this pandemic. Suddenly, the world seems to be a hotter place when traveling due to COVID-19, especially with our country’s natural temperature.

Quarantine Culture: The Curse of Face Masks

What brings this hassle is the fact that every time we go outside, we have to wear a face mask. Sometimes, we even have to wear long sleeves in order to avoid catching COVID-19. There even came a time when face shields were the trend!

People with glasses struggle the extra mile with how they need to wear two layers of security over their faces. Muslim girls do, too, with the combination of face masks and their traditional hijab.

Traveling, or even running simple errands, has now become troublesome, twice as exhausting as how it used to be. These are all because of the inconvenient effects of the aforementioned protective layers.

Take us back, please!

For our own safety, we must abide by health rules, and that is already a given. Nonetheless, I believe it is valid to miss the pre-pandemic times when face masks were essentially non-existent. Back then, we could still travel freely without having to worry about face masks or shields. It is fun to reminisce about the times when we were still free to flaunt our OOTDs without all these masks.

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We actually felt breathing and the air around us, not hindered by a protective layer. To be able to go from one place to another without being overwhelmed with how hot you feel in your face mask. Ah—those were, indeed, the days!

However, we know that there really is nothing to do right now but be extra patient with all these inconveniences. While we are at it, we might as well be optimistic about our country’s recovery from the pandemic, too.

Let us just wipe our sticky faces and our sweat-beaded foreheads, take our masks off for a quick second, breathe deeply, and believe that we can soon return to our normal lives. Do you also dread the aforesaid curse of face masks?

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