Fun Mobile Games That You Can Enjoy With Your Friends

After a long week of hectic and quite stressful school and workloads, why not reward yourself by playing games? Moreover, your friends can also share the enjoyment. This pandemic has taken a toll on our mental health, and it made us separated from bonding with our friends. However, you can still bond with them through multiplayer games.
Although some of the games that I will list don’t have an on-mic feature, you can still enjoy the game. Furthermore, you can download Discord so that you can call each other while playing.
Fun Mobile Games That You Can Enjoy With Your Friends
1. Among Us
This is free gameplay you can play with your friends. Enjoy their different maps and their servers according to country. Also, you can make your own private or public server and enjoy it more as you play with other players. In playing this, you have to complete your tasks and kick out impostor/s if you’re a crewmate. On the other hand, you can kill the other crewmates for you to win as an impostor.
2. Specimen Zero
This is a horror game that you can play with your friends. However, this game only has a four-player limit on every server. So, sorry for those who have more than four friends, but you can still enjoy this game in batches! Moreover, this game doesn’t offer an on-mic feature. To win, you must first find keys to unlock different doors, distract and kill the specimens, and find your way to escape the hospital. This game can be enjoyed in different levels of difficulty: ghost mode, easy mode, normal mode, hard mode, and nightmare mode.
3. Suspects: Mystery Mansion
This game is similar to Among Us. In playing this mobile game, you need to complete the task and kick out killers to win the game as a guest. This game also has a detective where the player can see the footprints and can help in finding out who the killer is. However, when you’re playing as a killer, you need to fake tasks, set up bombs, sabotage the lights, and kill the guests. This game can be enjoyed because it has an on-mic feature, so you don’t have to download any extra application for the mic!
Reward yourself by enjoying these mobile games that can be played with your friends, and family too!

Annefreid often finds herself being lost in the lines of serene melodies of this world. When writing, she usually uses personal anecdotes, and she also likes to write about the things she loves. She also wanted her write-ups to be something people will look for whenever they wanted to know about something, as she's fond of aiding people through her words as a writer. Moreover, she spends her time making music and creatively writing where she can exercise her creativity.