Ensure Your Safety During the Rainy Season
The Philippines only has two seasons: the dry, sunny season and the wet, rainy season. And now that we officially enter the wet monsoon season, where the rain keeps happening from time to time, it is essential to stay prepared. So to ensure that you, your family, and everyone around you will remain safe and dry, here are some tips you should follow during the wet season.
Personal Safety
Your safety should be your first priority during rainy times. So, to avoid putting yourself in harm’s way, here are some tips you should remember.
Have Your ‘Rain Gear’
Getting rained on can lead to catching cold. So as the rainy season is happening, always have an umbrella, raincoat, and even rain boots with you.
Be Wary of Diseases Active During the Rainy Season
Common colds and leptospirosis are the usual rainy season diseases that can easily be avoided by having your rainy gear ready. But mosquito-caused diseases such as malaria and dengue are also at an all-time high during rainy days because puddles of water are available everywhere. So, clean and check your surroundings to avoid falling victim to those diseases.
Double Up On Vitamins
Viruses and bacteria thrive during the cold, rainy season. Similarly, our bodies do not adapt well to frequent changes in temperature during the rainy season. So, it is best to double up on vitamins such as Ascorbic Acid or Vitamin C.
Family and Home Safety
Your family and home are also in danger during the wet season. So ensure that they, too, will stay safe by following these tips.
Stock Up on Necessities
The rainy season also brings forth times wherein we cannot go out to buy basic necessities, such as when we are stranded or immediately need to evacuate. Due to this, stock up on essentials such as ready-to-eat meals, canned goods, water, and extra medicines.
Another thing you should prepare during the rainy season is an emergency kit containing your living necessities and supplies for emergency situations. This includes food, bottled water, a flashlight, extra batteries, portable light, a radio, and a first-aid kit.
Check Your Home
Your home is your haven during the rainy season. Check on your floor drains; ensure they are not clogged and would not cause flooding. Check on your roof to ensure no leakage and that your house will not be dripping once the rain hits. And check on your gutters and ensure they are not clogged or filled with rainwater so that once the rain hits, it will be free-flowing and will not collapse once heavy rain pours.
Check Outside of Your Home
Your home will not still be safe if the outside environment is not ready for the rainy season. So, trim out huge trees and bushes that may be weighed down by rain and fall in your home or the streets. In addition, check your road drainage, and ensure that they are not clogged and can cause flooding. If they are, you can call the attention of your city’s public works department and ask them to clean out the clogged drainage.
Road Safety
Rain downpours can also catch you outside, which can be more dangerous. But fear not, for there are ways to ensure you are safe even when you are outdoors.
Drive slowly and carefully
If you are driving during a rain downpour, instantly slow down, for roads can get slippery. Keep a safe distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front and after you. This is because braking can be hard on slippery roads, and collision can quickly happen if you do not have a safe distance from other vehicles. If visibility goes low, make sure to flash your lights so that you can easily be spot on, and you can also easily spot the road.
Stay Away from Electric Wires, Tall Posts, and Open Area
If the rain catches you outside, such as while waiting for public transportation or walking home, try to take shelter as soon as possible. Do not brave the downpour, especially when thunder and lightning are also present. Stay away from electric wires and posts that can attract lightning. Steer clear of broad open areas, too, for lightning can strike you, the tallest thing, instead.
Rainy days are some people’s favorite season, mainly because it serves as a nice break from our regular hot days. But, the rainy season also has its dangers. And if you are not careful enough, not prepared adequately, this cold, wet season might cause you one throbbing headache (literally).
Darlene, better known as Da, is currently a broadcasting student at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines - Manila. Her interests lie in K-pop, books, and coffee. With living an *extra* life in mind, she aspires to change the world for the better with the same grace and grandeur as Legally Blonde's Elle Woods.