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Kay Chung Study Method: The New Study Motivation on TikTok

Kay Chung Study Method: The New Study Motivation on TikTok

The mere thought of memorizing the entire lesson exhausts us. Also, it makes us anxious about the final result of our studies. But, scrolling through TikTok, we stumbled upon a video of a woman named Kay Chung pulling an all-nighter. This unexpected glimpse into her dedication became the motivation we never knew we needed to make it through studying. 

Because in all honesty, whether we have quizzes coming up in a few days, a due date approaching, or we are now in finals season, we are likely to feel lazy and pressured by deadlines, the amount of work, and the possibility of failure. 

Meet Kay Chung

Photo Credits: UCLA, School of Dentistry Website

Kay Chung is a second-year student at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), studying dentistry. She posts TikTok videos about her life like “a day in a life as a dental student.” She also shows her unfiltered side, such as how she procrastinates.

And, of course, she enjoys creating her all-nighter studying videos, which have taken over not only StudyTok but also the internet. She even showed the world the results of her all-nighter studying! But she shared her honest feelings about what it’s like to study prior to the results. She even recognized how bad her situation was in every all-nighter video. 

She did it to be more productive, but she had no idea she was also motivating students – high school, college, and even nursing and dental students like herself. A fan even nicknamed her the “Patron Saint of Cramming Students” after her videos received over a million views. 

Screenshot from Swiftslivia/TikTok

At this point, she has 22 videos on a playlist she calls “all nighter” on TikTok. It started in June, which she told everyone was the first all-nighter she’d done in five years. 

How Does Her Study Method Work?

Kay Chung on her all-nighter TikTok videos.
Screenshots from Kay Chung/TikTok

In her TikTok videos, she begins with a powerful pre-study nap or fuel with caffeine, an energy drink, or any other drink. After that, she will lock in on her studies, taking little breaks for a pause. Examples include eating a midnight snack, going for a walk, taking a nap, engaging in self-care activities, and chatting with someone. 

It’s basically an all-nighter, with caffeine and energy drinks in between to keep her awake to study. Cramming and procrastination at its finest, but she makes it more fun with the music she used in her videos. Memorizing all of the information in one night or two.

Of course, pure pressure and the possibility of failure are keeping her from giving up. And her words “It is what it is” that she always says before her exams, as if she is preparing herself to deal with it because nothing will change. She simply accepted whatever her fate was. 

That’s why people on TikTok felt motivated when they saw her videos. And people noticed that everyone, who is in the same situation as her, is in their Kay Chung era. But, like other viewers, you can pull a Kay Chung without caffeine or energy drinks, as too much can cause a negative reaction in your body, such as palpitations. 

See Also

Cons of Pulling a Kay Chung

Kay Chung on her all-nighter TikTok videos.
Screenshots from Kay Chung/TikTok

Yes, too much caffeine or energy drink consumption can cause dangerous side effects on your body. It may be a need during an all-nighter, but you can avoid it by drinking water for hydration instead. Because it can cause insomnia, increased heart rate, and restlessness, so avoid overworking your body while studying. 

Some fans even commented on how Kay Chung can do it so many times, pointing out that their body cannot physically do it as well as her. Well, it’s her dedication, and her fear of failure serves as her motivation.

Moreover, pulling an all-nighter on a regular basis is unhealthy because it can have a negative impact on a person’s overall health. It can increase anxiety, but it also raises stress levels. Sleep deprivation will also have an impact on your physical health. Additionally, it can also affect your cognitive functions such as concentration. 


the caffeine hit me during the exam so bad i had to submit my test early and rented a scooter to go home asap #allnighter #dentalstudent #dentalschool #ucladentalstudent #ucla #studytok #studywithme #finalsweek

♬ Clown-Song – Electronic Radio Mix – P-Control

She even added a disclaimer to her last all-nighter video to encourage people not to do it because it is unhealthy. And that it works for her, so people don’t have to follow her method just to be good because they can do it without pulling an all-nighter. After all, what works for someone, doesn’t mean it works for you too. 

Ready to be an academic weapon? If Kay Chung can do it, so can you; just be careful, get enough rest, and avoid overworking yourself. Have fun during the studying process and stay strong, comrades! 

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