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VP/Spotlight | With a Bang: G22 is the Female Alphas of P-Pop

VP/Spotlight | With a Bang: G22 is the Female Alphas of P-Pop

In this day and age, being strong, powerful, and confident is what it takes to be a woman. It’s about establishing a strong sense of identity, developing one’s character, and adjusting to the demands of the society. Women of today have defied the outdated perceptions of others and repeatedly shown that women are not fragile beings once thought of, but capable and resilient individuals. Just like G22 – the female alphas of P-Pop who broke free from the old-fashioned stereotypes and limitations against women through their music and persona. 

Composed of three young and beautiful talented women, AJ, Jaz, and Alfea of G22 have shown qualities of what it takes to be an alpha woman. Their characters exude boldness, courage, and confidence in every aspect.

Branded as the Female Alphas of P-Pop, there is no doubt that G22 showcased women’s immense power and unstoppable nature through their music. G22 serves as a representation of female alphas who embody strength and resilience that resonates with women from all walks of life. 

To defy the stereotypes is to become a female alpha

Being called a “female alpha” comes with a great responsibility that transcends traditional gender norms. It’s a heavy title that breaks the barriers of the word “alpha”, which is typically associated with males. G22 makes it a point to step out of the box and break the stereotypes despite the pressure of being called the female alphas. The girls learned to embrace their femininity with unwavering confidence and strength. 

G22 defied the expectations associated with the word “alpha” proving that they are deserving of their title. Their acknowledgment of their femininity has empowered them to confidently embody the qualities of being a female alpha. 

“We’re breaking out of our boundaries as [the word] alphas usually gravitate towards males. So our advocacy is to step out of that box– don’t categorize yourself in that box. It’s [also] quite a heavy title, it comes with pressure but also, it makes us confident in knowing that we stand strong with our story that makes us alphas.”

– G22 Jaz on what it takes to be called a “Female Alpha.”

Furthermore, as a woman, we fight a lot of unwanted battles throughout our entire lives. We’ve been subjected to a lot of narratives on what our roles should be as a women. Everyone has their own backstory. And those stories are what build our characters.

G22 is here to remind us that we are all female alphas. And that being a female alpha doesn’t only revolve around being strong and confident, but it’s also about being able to recognize one’s emotions and vulnerability at times.

G22’s advocacy speaks volumes

Using their platform to empower women, G22 made sure that wherever they go, and whatever they do, their message would come across every woman.

“We use our platform to empower women through our songs, through interviews, through collaborations with different brands and stuff like that… We always make sure that the songs we release have a good message and a message that is empowering and gives confidence to all women.”

– AJ on how they empower fans through G22.

Through the group’s music, a testimony of being a female alpha comes from a woman’s story. Not every female alpha goes up on a certain play or has the same story. As G22, they represent different women with different backgrounds and stories that help spread their advocacy. These stories are a manifestation of them speaking up on behalf of every woman out there. 

“You know you don’t have to fit into a certain category. [Be it] feminine or masculine, whether you identify as this, we’re all alphas because we choose to discover our weaknesses.”

– Jaz on how they empower fans through G22.

Powerhouse of talent

G22 proved their raw talent and skills when they carried P-Pop and took China by storm by bringing the alpha female power to the music scene on EXO Lay Zhang’s program, ‘Show It All’

Despite the pressure of representing the Philippines on the international scene, G22’s remarkable performance on the show left a mark. The girls wowed the fans and even non-fans especially with their rich vocals in their ‘Babalik’ performance.

Aside from that, with their recent music, G22 exhibits their diversity and excellence as a group. The girls showcased their exemplary and versatile range through One-Sided Love.  

With One-Sided Love venturing the group’s mellow side, new listeners may be surprised by the song since the group is known to release energetic, hip-hop-influenced tracks in the past. However, with G22’s vocal and diverse music range, they have shown that they deserve the title of being the female alphas of P-Pop who can do anything and be anyone they want.

Besides their successful singing career, G22 has also expressed their interest in exploring the realms of modeling and acting. Jaz, who has prior experience in modeling, views the prospect of modeling with the group as something that would be a fun experience for them. Seeing that the girls would also fit the standards to explore a modeling career with their striking visuals. G22 is not closing its doors to the opportunity to become the face of a brand when the time comes.

“That’s what we love about our management. They don’t box us in one industry. They let us spread our wings and try different stuff. They let us try acting, they also let us do workshops.”

– G22 AJ on venturing into the world of modeling and acting.

G22 loads surprises for Bullets

We are only halfway through the year, and G22 has some exciting announcements lined up for the coming months! As G22 continues to make its mark in the P-Pop scene with their exceptional talent, the girls are here to assure you that there are incredible updates and news on the way. So Bullets, keep your eyes peeled for more details on what’s in store for you from G22!

“In the coming months, we’ve been talking to a lot of seniors for possible collaborations and it’s exciting because everybody’s reaching out!”

– G22 AJ on sharing a TMI for Bullets.

Big stages. More big stages. Different big stages!”

– G22 Alfea on sharing a TMI for Bullets.

This year will be one of the best years I am promising.”

– G22 Jaz on sharing a TMI for Bullets.

G22’s time capsule

As P-Pop is on its rise and prime, the girls recognize that they still have a long journey as G22. To boost their spirits and give credit for their dedication that shaped them into who they are today as artists, the girls shared a heartfelt message addressed to their future selves.

See Also

“To my future self– doesn’t matter how far into the future she is, I just wish that you are happy always and if you ever lose the fight, just remember why you started and be proud of yourself no matter how far the group has gone, ‘cause you guys have worked so hard. And always be grateful. Thank you so much!”

– Jaz, in her message to her future self. 

“Hi future Alfea, I hope you’re doing well and I hope that everything you do in your life has its importance. Also please keep on doing what you are doing when it comes to improving your skills, to yourself, and as well as for [your] future. I hope you enjoy your life. Don’t forget to enjoy your life!” 

– Alfea, in her message to her future self.

“To my future self, I hope you have prepared a speech because you will receive a VP Choice Award! And also, [AJ] I hope you visit me in my dreams and tell me that everything that we do is worth it. Lastly, I hope that your album will become albums!”

– AJ, in her message to her future self.

Like a boomerang, from G22 to you

Of course, G22 would not be complete without the unwavering support of their beloved fans known as “Bullets.” The girls have consistently expressed their gratitude towards their fans. They have acknowledged them as the driving force behind their ambition to achieve greater heights in their careers. As the girls always say, a Glock 22 or G22 wouldn’t work without its bullets

“To our fans, thank you because you guys did not give up on us despite everything that has happened. We had our doubtful days but still, you did not lose hope in us and still supported us up to now. To our Bullets, humayo kayo at magpakarami! We love you all!”

– AJ’s message to Bullets.

“Yes. thank you Bullets for your love and support. You are our inspiration and let’s reach greater heights together!”

– Jaz’s message to Bullets.

“Bullets, don’t fight with each other, and don’t fight with others too! I hope we can continue to be chill but not too chill. We love you guys so much. Especially those whom we always see supporting us from the start and despite everything that happened with G22. We will never get tired of saying that without Bullets, a Glock 22 or G22 will not work, so we need you guys. We love you!”

– Alfea’s message to Bullets.

Defying societal norms, and smashing their way through gender stereotypes, G22 broke the barriers as the female alphas of P-Pop. With their exceptional talent and unwavering dominance as artists in the music industry, G22 stands as the embodiment and inspiration to all women out there.

Publisher | Richie de Quina & Gwynn Crisostomo
Editor-in-Chief | John Luke Chica
Senior Editor | Achilles Bamba
Junior Editor | Chud David E. Dulay
PR & Advertising Manager |  Josh Austria
Digital Manager | Allen Esteban
Words by Chlea Fate Marco

Photographer | Amor Amores
Makeup Artists | Jay Salcedo and Danica Cleto
Hair | Jay Wee

Special Thanks to Cornerstone Entertainment

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