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Unpacking the boxes: My takeaways brought along from moving out

Unpacking the boxes: My takeaways brought along from moving out

Living independently and the freedom it comes with is a privilege. To the present generation, it is pretty romanticized to be able to do such; to move out. Starting over has become one’s own way to find our way into the big “real” world. This has become a way to get out of the Barbie world -kidding- or also known as the comfort zones of our childhood homes. Something that was once considered to be made up of mundane tasks such as packing one’s life into a time capsule of boxes to transport into our own flat or unit. 

Learning how to do things completely by oneself, finding contentment, and settling into the peace of the otherwise strange four corners and walls of our new place. It is not only an ideal goal of many twenty-something individuals but a huge personal accomplishment and milestone. It allows us to feel our true independence and liberation. We can finally continue to embark on our own desired journeys and career paths. 

Moving out is exciting, exhilarating, and anticipated. At the same time, it can’t be denied that this milestone is surrounded by anxiety and dread. One has to successfully move past all the stress that comes along with boxes unpacked. Then, they would have to catch up with the groove of it all. After all of that, the sweet time finally comes and we ask… What’s next?

We can finally reflect and mull over the takeaways that moving out comes with.

Moving out is one of the best things that we can do for your own personal growth.

Moving out forces us to be away from our homes. Then, we have to learn how to fend for ourselves completely. From choosing which meal to cook for breakfast to doing our own laundry, we have to do it all by ourselves. Even the ones where we need to fix possible but most likely inevitable incidents. We will most likely experience these things upon moving out. Perhaps, these things were previously not our concern before the move. Such things might be menial, but can definitely contribute to and further our set of life skills.

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Moving out adds motivation for our grind and hustle.

Careerwise, moving out can be a source of pressure as well as a drive for one’s work. After all, bills will have to be paid. Hence, as we now support ourselves in all aspects, this will pave the way to keep growing and advancing in our careers. This can better our means to sustain ourselves. Aside from that, it can also allow us to not only pay bills but fund the lifestyle that we dreamt of.

Home away from home makes it all sweeter.

Moving out places a distance between the people in our childhood home and ourselves. While homesickness is something one has to learn to keep at bay, being away from home makes visits more meaningful. Visits to one’s childhood home after moving out become something to look forward to, and therefore time with family is more savored. As they say, distance makes the heart grow fonder.

Doing all of these is not as easy as it sounds, it takes a lot of courage, doubts– if it is really the best decision to do, and consideration. Most especially to the people that will be left at home, our family. But being able to do so will also give us the fulfillment and validation that Yes, I am now ready to unpack more boxes that life will bring along the way. 

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