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Face Shaving: All You Need To Know

Face Shaving: All You Need To Know

Face shaving has many benefits. It has been proven to make our skin healthier and younger-looking due to the mild exfoliation it brings. Aside from the skin benefits, it will also make you look friendly and approachable. These could be the reason men have practically been shaving forever. Sure, it sounds unusual – the idea of face shaving for women. I mean, is it actually a thing?

Do we need to do that? For literally what reason? Is it dangerous? It isn’t immediately noticeable. But, women have little facial hair. And, if they don’t like how it looks, they have the freedom to shave it off. The results could be bad or good. That’s why one shouldn’t have their face without any background. This, of course, includes skin preparation, the right tools, and most importantly, the possible consequences.

Face Shaving: All You Need To Know

Face shaving correlates to the term dermaplaning. Well, because they are basically the same thing. However, the latter uses an exfoliating blade similar to a surgical scalpel instead of a razor. Dermaplaning is a skin treatment usually done professionally while face shaving can easily be done at home.

First off, dermatologists actually recommend face shaving when done right. You can do it regardless if you have acne scars, dry skin, sun-damaged skin, or fine wrinkles. However, it isn’t okay if you try face shaving when you have active pimples or wounds that can get irritated.

As mentioned, face shaving comes with many benefits.

1 | smooth skin

Face shaving acts as a physical exfoliator. Aside from getting rid of facial hair, it also removes accumulated dirt from pollution, makeup, oil residue, and germs among others. This kind of dirt sits on your face and in between hair strands. These are hard to clean even with regular exfoliators and scrubs. A razor can help out with this.

2 | smoother makeup application

Most of us have experienced looking in the mirror after putting on makeup for an hour only to see a patchy and cakey layer of foundation. You’d even look down on yourself thinking about how ugly your textured skin is. It’s important to note – everyone has textured skin. So, don’t feel too bad about it.

Sometimes, it’s the peach fuzz, not the skin. Makeup will always look its best on a clean canvas. It should be remembered that you have to let 24 hours pass after shaving before putting on makeup. If you do put on makeup on your face less than 24 hours after shaving, your skin can be irritated as your pores are still open.

3 | self-confidence

Duh. Many women do not like having visible facial hair. There is nothing wrong with doing something that makes you feel confident about your appearance. So, if you want to shave it off, go ahead and do so.

4 | inexpensive

Dermaplaning and face waxing that could be done professionally are going to cost something. They take an effort and could be painful as well. A good razor would only cost a few bucks at least— cheap and can always be done at home.  

I know it already sounds convincing to try face shaving. But, it’s important to take note of a few possible negative outcomes.

1 | dryness and itching

Due to exfoliation, your skin might feel dry after shaving. It may also start to feel itchy when the hair starts to grow back.

See Also

2 | ingrown hair

This is not applicable to all. Only certain type of hair is prone to ingrown hair. If done properly and with precaution, it is less likely to appear.

To proceed with the best part, what is the proper way of shaving? As someone who has been shaving her face with no occurring problems, I’ll be happy to guide you!

1 | cleanse your face

Facial shaving should only be done on clean, dry skin. Feel free to use any type of cleanser that you’re comfortable with—maybe something you’ve been using for years; it doesn’t really matter, as long as you have a clean surface to work with.

2 | apply a layer of shaving cream or moisturizing gel

You should never shave on dry skin! It can irritate your skin and would most likely cause bumps and cuts. I personally like to use aloe vera gel—soothing on the skin and does the job. Apply a layer thick enough to make your razor glide smoothly, applying just enough that only gets absorbed by your skin won’t do. Also, water is not enough, okay?

3 | use a clean, single-blade razor

It is recommended that we use a single-blade razor made for women’s facial shaving. Men’s razors can be too harsh and might irritate our skin. Make sure that your razor is sharp and clean, a dull razor is never good. Gently pull your skin upwards and shave downwards. Wipe the razor on a piece of cloth or tissue every time. Avoid shaving around the eye area.

4 | rinse and moisturize

Afte the process, rinse with water, pat dry, and moisturize with a product of your choice. You can use the moisturizing gel you used earlier.

As simple as that, your face is as smooth as it can get! No more cakey makeup and uncomfortable peach fuzz. Just make sure that you don’t do it too often or you’ll abuse your skin. I personally like to do it once a month. But remember, face shaving is totally optional. Facial hair is normal and is nothing to be shy about.

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