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Bottle Episodes You Should Really Check Out

Bottle Episodes You Should Really Check Out

If you’re looking for a new TV series to binge-watch, watching the first episode to get to know the series is a rookie mistake! Opt for bottle episodes, because the characters are usually developed and established in episodes like this. Also, the confined nature of these episodes makes it very easy for the viewers to understand the characters’ dynamics.

Here are a few bottle episodes you should give a watch!

Cooperative Calligraphy – Community

Photo from Pinterest: Jacobean DeFalle 

The study group is wrapped up for the day and the group is about to leave their spot in the library. Annie’s purple pen is missing for the nth time and this time, she’s putting her foot down.

To summarize, the whole episode is set inside the library in search of Annie’s pen. In short, you’ll get to know the inner temperament and emotional range of each character.

The box – Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Brooklyn Nine-Nine" The Box (TV Episode 2018) - IMDb
Photo from IMDb

With the episode’s entirety just taking place inside the precinct and the interrogation room, the characters’ lines were very descriptive, and the plot is quite a nail-biter, you can’t help but anticipate what comes next.

Fly – Breaking Bad

The Top Ten Best-Favorite Episodes of Breaking Bad - Geek Binge
Photo from Geek Binge

The lab has been contaminated with a single fly and Walter made it his mission to get rid of it. Since this episode only features the initial main character, it shows new viewers a brief idea of what the show is about.

See Also

Free Churro – Bojack Horseman

AURORANOCTE FILMS — BoJack Horseman S05E06 'Free Churro'
Photo from Tumblr: AURORANOCTE FILMS

In this episode, we are graced with a 20-minute long monologue from Bojack. To illustrate, the extremely long eulogy he delivers for his mom expresses Bojack’s issues with his parents and general upbringing which explains how he came to be.

The Burning Beekeeper – How I Met Your Mother

So, I have decided! “The Burning Beekeeper” is my favorite episode of HIMYM  for Its directing style and it's storyline. : r/HIMYM
Photo from TVtropes.org

This bottle episode from How I Met Your Mother is quite creative. Since it only takes place in Marshall and Lily’s house, the writers had the ingenious idea to divide the plot with each room the house has.

What bottle episode would you recommend? Let us know and we’d love to check them out!

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