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Self-Examination and Cultural Ideation

Self-Examination and Cultural Ideation

Seeing the overall condition of the Filipino landscape, the past play a major role in shaping the present consciousness of the country. There is a significant evidence that most influences have been brought upon the land of the Philippines. This in particular reason, is responsible to multiple orientations in the country.

Evident in my experience, I possess both Eastern and Western traits but, I mostly lean towards my Filipino background and attributes. I mostly utilize my roots by my language and overall behavior. As Filipinos, we tend to be respectful yet, straight to the point. This is a major part of my Eastern heritage, as I never overlook the fact that respect should always be observed even if the person at the receiving end is a stranger.

Strong woman -coach.


The traits I possess are rather the results. Of my parents and environment nurturing me to be family-oriented and strictly acknowledge other people’s efforts. By that, I can say the Filipino traits have been dominantly present in my behavior. Which I embrace fully, solely, because it is who I really am. I possess attributes that are pre-dominantly present in the country.

However, I know my individual identity are still preserved because I am a part of the country’s heritage. With the Filipino attributes I preserve, I can infer that I am happy to be a Filipino. Even with the current situation right now. As seen through the historical lenses, the early Filipinos contributed to their own independence. That is why the rights that I have today are the results of their skirmishes and battles.

Furthermore, being a Filipino means that I am not just a mere statistic. It is an individual that is of rich culture. Appreciating my country’s historic background means a lot. In order to further advance its present state. s well as, promote the real Filipino identity that should be preserved for the future generations.

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Noticing the cultural heritage of the Philippines creates an important role to develop the minds of the new Filipinos to see through the country’s own richness. Moreover, culture is an essential aspect of national identity, and if it were to be eradicated, we will never be called Filipinos.

In conclusion, examining myself and my identity led me to think more about my actual identification. This is to reminisce and analyze my experiences from the past leading to the future. Appreciating my own Filipino heritage is as important as myself because it progresses the country’s capability to be a nation on its own and construct the needs of the people.

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