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5 Ways To Market Yourself As A Newbie Freelancer

5 Ways To Market Yourself As A Newbie Freelancer

If you’re working as a newbie freelancer or starting out in the field, then there’s no doubt that marketing yourself is of utmost importance. Whether you’re trying to get new clients or secure your place on project teams, promoting yourself is essential if you want to succeed in this competitive field. While it can feel intimidating to market yourself at first, these five steps will help you as a newbie freelancer and make the process much easier:

5 Ways To Market Yourself As A Newbie Freelancer


Branding is the way you present yourself to the public. As a newbie freelancer, it’s important to know how you communicate your message, reach out to people, and let them know what you do. Your brand is essentially your voice in the marketplace—it should tell potential clients who you are, what your values are, and what sets you apart from other businesses in your field.

The elements of branding include:

  • The name of your business
  • The logo that represents it
  • The fonts used on promotional materials (like business cards)


Since you are still a newbie freelancer, networking can be a great way to find new opportunities, but it’s also important in other ways. It can help you learn about the industry and meet people who can offer valuable advice, contacts, and even clients.

Perhaps most importantly, networking is an opportunity to make friends—not just business associates you’ll see at events once or twice a year. By working through your network, you’ll establish relationships with people who could turn out to be lifelong partners in your career development and success as a freelancer.

Create a portfolio

As a newbie freelancer, you will not have a ton of work samples. That’s OK. In fact, it can be an advantage because it allows you to focus on what matters: the quality of your portfolio instead of quantity.

To make your portfolio stand out, take some time to think about what kind of experience you want to give potential clients—and then tailor each project accordingly. Also, sorting out all your work is necessary so I suggest using applications from Google Suites. Do they need an affordable option? A custom solution? The ability to solve problems quickly and efficiently?

You should also consider how much time a client might spend with your projects before making their decision about hiring you for their project (or not). If someone doesn’t spend much time considering their options, that client won’t need anything too fancy in terms of design or presentation—but if they do decide against hiring someone else but still love what they see in another person’s portfolio (that is…you), then they may reach out later when they’re ready for something more elaborate!

Social media marketing

Social media marketing is one of the best ways to get your name out there. It’s also a great way to keep up with other freelancers and job opportunities as well! Here are some tips for getting started:

See Also

  • Create an account on all major social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn).
  • Post regularly but don’t spam people—use hashtags and links when appropriate but don’t go overboard.
  • Use images or videos in your posts instead of just text; people like visuals! You can follow these content creators to learn more about graphic design.
  • Try doing surveys or contests on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn groups related to your field of work; this will expose you to new potential clients at no cost except for time spent promoting yourself online!

Content marketing

Content marketing is a strategy that uses content to attract and retain customers. It can help you acquire new leads, build your brand and influence your industry.

Content marketing is also a great way to reach your target audience. When you create valuable content, people are more likely to share it with their friends, family, and colleagues because they trust the source of the information (you).

When you have an established online presence through content marketing, it becomes easier for people who may not know about you yet to see what type of expertise/personality they are getting when they hire someone like yourself (or at least learn more about it).

If you’re a newbie freelancer and want to market yourself, then grab these five tips and get to work! Remember that your brand is the most important part of growing your business. If you have trouble finding clients, try networking or using social media marketing to attract them. If you don’t know where to start with online portfolios, try out some templates or ask others for advice. Content marketing can also be an effective way of reaching potential customers through articles on websites like ours!

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