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The art of leaving

The art of leaving

Leaving as we all know is a gerund or present participle of the word leave which means to go away, retreat from or take off from an individual, a job, a situation, and many more. The word may be used as a sad term but, at some point leaving is good for us, humans. It is important to our development, to our growth, and to our future. Now, to know the reasons why, here’s how amazing the art of leaving is.

The art of leaving

1. It is good for professional development.

Graphics | Nathalie Shien Pantonial

A change from your common setup will lead you to development, may it be professional or what, but it is still a great help for you. Actually, leaving is one of the things that you can do as you begin to improve your life. It is an approved starter pack to make since who knows if your current situation is what giving you slow progress.

Now, are you content with it? With what you have? Or is there any option you have in hand to make while you’re still young? Take a look at it now and assess yourself.

2. Leaving offers us a better opportunity.

Graphics | Nathalie Shien Pantonial

In connection to what we just tackled above, leaving can also help us achieve better opportunities. May it be in life, in your career, in your love life, or anything around the globe.

It is a reasonable move especially when you dream of a better life compared to what you are experiencing right now. It may be challenging at some point however, with excellent adjustments and pure dedication, everything will be worth it.

3. It can help you meet new people and a new environment.

Graphics | Nathalie Shien Pantonial

All of us, regardless of our age meet lots of people and went to different environments near us yet, sometimes it doesn’t go along with how we plan it. As a matter of fact, there comes a time when we feel comfortable with the persons around us but not the environment we’re standing at. This also happens vice versa which saddens me knowing that these two things don’t fit together at the right time and right place. So, to address this instance, leaving is sometimes one of the most applicable ways that we, humans can do.

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Let’s face it. We can’t grow with a person and an environment where we aren’t safe and secure with. Therefore, leaving can be a choice during this moment.

Presently and beyond everything here, leaving is a solution no matter how we see it. It may sometimes get us thinking but, with us knowing how to handle things properly, this kind of choice is always worth the risk.

Leaving is an art that we do and we have. We just need to use it right, so we won’t regret our decisions right after we decide.

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