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Modern Valentina: A victim of violence turns supervillain

Modern Valentina: A victim of violence turns supervillain

Are you a Valentina apologist? The most famous supervillain in Philippine television has already presented her spooky transformation in Mars Ravelo’s Darna (2022), last September 1. Portrayed by Janella Salvador, she serves justice in both of her characters as Regina Vanguardia who turns into Valentina

So far, Darna (2022) deserves praise because the details for this series, it’s over the top than we typically see on Philippine TV.  How it gives an interesting take on the plot like Leonor (Iza Calzado) as first the Darna. The story of how she passes the mission to her daughter, the next protector of the stone. Moreover, the looming mystery around the origin of Valentina makes the viewers come up with theories. 

Everything is detailed, I say. Now, hear me out in this one. Amidst the chaos in society, Valentina is born out of violence which makes her a victim that is difficult to antagonize.

In the making of Valentina

In the first episode, there are two individuals on the campsite, a father-daughter bonding. Unknowingly, Leonor as Darna is fighting with a gigantic monster from Planet Marte above them. A real triumph when the superhero managed to defeat the enemy. But at the same time, Darna accidentally creates a powerful monster that her daughter would face in the future— Valentina.

I believe the girl in the camp is Regina. Her father was accidentally hit by a piece of a hard object fell from the sky. While a green crystal from the defeated monster struck Regina in the back which makes her convulse. But what gives it away that I assume it’s her? The voice when she screamed “Papa!” sounds like Janella Salvador. Also, the character wears a headband that looks similar to what Regina is wearing when she first met Narda.

Moreover, the same green crystals are the cause of chaos in Nueva Esperanza since whoever gets struck by them, becomes destructive monsters. It would be unnecessary in the plot if the girl who gets victimized by the green crystal at the beginning does not hold importance. Meanwhile, the way her identity is purposely concealed gives an ultimate significance. Definitely, an intentional move to leave the viewers curious about what she’s going to be in order to create mystery.

The destructive monster within

Here’s my take— Ding says his personal observation to Narda that the two men who instantly turn into destructive monsters, only end peoples’ lives when they get mad. However, the siblings become clueless about why Valentina already killed someone with full hatred in her eyes.

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One night, Regina gets ultimately mad at her assistant, accompanied by the pressure she receives from his supposed father, Rex Vanguardia. In the same timeframe, she uncontrollably transforms into Valentina for the first time in years. From this incident, I believe the observation of Ding applies to the supervillainess as well— they just don’t know. 

Regina is a different case than the previous two men who are victims of the green crystal as well. Because the former is a living human when gets struck and she is a kind-hearted person who cares for society. Thus, her superpowers are controlled. But when her emotions finally get burst out, her monster within takes the chance to overtake her whole being. These suppressed powers get even stronger when being concealed, making Narda afraid of Valentina.

A lawyer and philanthropist of the masses who’s not afraid to be political turns into a scary supervillain? With that possible interesting origin story of hers because Darna indirectly created her? She really is a victim of violence.

I cannot wait to watch secrets unveiled from Regina as Valentina in the upcoming episodes. Stream Darna (2022) now if you still haven’t!

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