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We discovered cold brew coffee that will make your life better

We discovered cold brew coffee that will make your life better

Coffee has a universal love affair with people. Most of us rely on it to function well, given that our jobs require so much from what only we can.

Imagine if we can have free-flowing cold brew every month — like magazines and newspapers delivered to our doorsteps. Yes, it can be possible as this new business allows you to subscribe for monthly doses of coffee.

What is Local Host Coffee?

Local Host Coffee stays true to the ‘Think Ahead Movement’ which according to their designated ‘Caffeine Heads’ Camille Fernandez and Iryll Plurad have been the best practice ever to be followed by the management.

‘Caffeine Heads’ Camille Fernandez and Iryll Plurad

“The idea for the business really came about because we’re coffee lovers first. Second, the concept of cold brew isn’t really new, but the idea of it being mainstream, is. From there, we considered it a challenge; so we thought, “hey, why not?””

Local Host offers a subscription-based program that promotes less waste and energy usage, wherein they offer a month’s supply of cold brew, refillable each time of delivery.

The ultimate goal, of course, is to let the consumers experience coffee that is crafted like no other. But apart from this, Local Host also encourages a better approach in consuming and in the long run, life.

“We are firm practitioners of the Think Ahead Movement, which is why our glass bottles were non-negotiable. Aside from the aesthetic it offers, glass bottles are reusable and recyclable. Also, it being clear shows that our coffee is the star. Our goal is to have everyone apply TAM in their daily lives, planning ahead, and preparing for life’s countless possibilities.”

Both Camille and Iryll hopes for the betterment not just of their brainchild but of the environment. Not all business owners have that in mind and heart. For them, the end game looks like this: their coffee knowledge drew attention on something as simple as a coffee bean to bring complexity into a single cup of coffee.


Working in media and advertising industry, caffeine holds tremendous power in terms of the overall work productivity. Based on a study of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), employees who take coffee breaks together demonstrate an overall improvement in their productivity.

Of course, VP Team got the chance to experience the newest coffee brand in town.

“Escape comes in different forms, for me, Local Host Coffee gave me another reason to love coffee more,” VP Managing Editor John Luke Chica said.

Let’s hope that they soon will live up to their name and purpose. Best of luck, Local Host!

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