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Three ‘weird’ things my cat does that just make sense

Three ‘weird’ things my cat does that just make sense

Ever owned a cat before? Or do you have one or some with you right now? If so, I bet you know the struggles of owning one! Not that those are bad things tho. I love cats and other animals. It is just sometimes, what our cats do just seem strange and random. I love my cat, I really do. But most of the time, my cat’s actions confuse me. But I know that whatever they do has an explanation.

Three ‘weird’ things my cat does that just make sense

Chewing Weird Things

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My cat does it every single time. From my earphones to my laptop charger, it does not let anything remain untouched, or unchewed for this matter. It is as if whatever things that may fit its cute little mouth are chewable enough. Weird, I know. But what is weirder is that it never manages to touch its toys. I guess, for my cat, everything is a toy except for its own toys.

I know it can be irritating at some time, but as I researched, I get to understand why so. This behavior is often because of boredom, anxiety, or illness. And it is dangerous for them because it might cause choking, intestinal blockages, and other problems.

So if you ever see your cat doing it one time, do not let them.

Being in Tight Places

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I am quite sure that it is not just my cat who loves doing this. Most of the time, my cat slips into small places like boxes, and tight space between my bed and closet, among others. They seem to inhibit themselves in these uncomfortable spaces, but it actually the opposite though. According to ASPCA Pet Health Insurance, they may even prefer these places over a comfortable bed.

And more to that, this behavior can be traced down to their wildcats ancestors who would sleep somewhere hidden. For the sake of their safety, too. So just let your cats do the same thing. We would not want to disrupt their found peace in silence, right?

See Also

Endless Kneading

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This specific weird thing that they do is cute, to be honest. I often find this activity as their way of saying “I’m bored hooman, play with me.” Or sometimes I think they do this as a way to ask for food. Or simply because they are feeling sad or want to fool around. But nonetheless, this action is just so cute to resist.

According to ASPC, kneading is their way of reminiscing their kitten days as they used to do this to stimulate milk flow from their mommy’s tummy.

These are just some of the weird things my cat does. And at first, I thought these were weird, but it all makes sense now. So if ever your cat does these as well, be wary and mindful of everything!

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