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Quarter-life Crisis — What is it all about?

Quarter-life Crisis — What is it all about?

When I was younger, I knew exactly what I wanted to be. Being a writer was stamped on me like my brain was a postcard ready to be delivered. I was so sure and firm of this ambition; my future was clear as day. I thought that pursuing a writing-related course would fulfill me and get me closer to that dream. Now, in my twenties, I was anticipating that I’d have everything figured out already, but I was wrong. What welcomed me instead was a quarter-life crisis.

Lately, I have been catching myself thinking about the future – am I on the right path? Is this what I really want? Can I even be successful? If so, how would I get there? Countless thoughts keep on boggling me. And so, self-doubt arises. Anxiety, hesitancy, being burnt out, and a feeling of being stuck. Everything was way too overwhelming, especially when I ponder about the future.

If you can relate, the good news is we’re not the only ones experiencing this. Apparently, it is a common phenomenon for people in their early twenties to their mid-thirties. It’s called a quarter-life crisis. It’s like a mid-life crisis but years early, like what Miss Chloe Hakim-Moore said in her TED talk.

Quarter-life Crisis: What is it all about?

Quarter-life crisis is a period of anxiety and doubt wherein you question everything you currently have – your university program, how you’re living your life, and the direction that you’re taking, wherever it’s taking you. These are only some of the few. It’s also a phase characterized by constant thoughts about the future and a crippling worry with regard to what’s going to happen.

Dealing with a quarter-life crisis is no easy task. Actually, I become way too consumed with my worries sometimes which eventually makes my mindset turn negative. It’s hard to think rationally and upright when you’re being swallowed by the voices in your head persuading you that you can’t do it.

Coping with it

Watching motivational talks

Despite it all, I’m still trying my best. In order to combat these thoughts, I try to watch TED speakers lay out their lives in the form of articulate speeches. I try to seek hope in others’ lives, especially when the light in mine is dwindling. It’s the least I can do.

This is one of the speeches that helped me. The talk was spearheaded by Johnny Crowder, a mental health advocate and survivor of multiple mental illnesses – ADHD, PTSD, and Depression, to name a few. He lives by the slogan of his name, The Mental Health Rockstar.

How to Grow as a Person (And Why It Sucks)” was the title of his speech and frankly, it caught me right off the bat. It was mainly about how growth was tough, but only if you’re committed enough to do it.

See Also

His points were fantastic. It was also commendable how he laid it all out through scientific evidence and personal experiences. I was quickly able to grasp his point because of his coherent articulation, too, and until now I’m still holding on to his words. He mentioned that he was stuck for the longest time, and only when he actually did the first step that things began to change.

When I looked back and reflected, I found myself in his speech because I, too, am currently in a stagnant place, specifically this quarter-life crisis. Analogically speaking, it’s rock bottom, where no light can hit it. His speech made me realize that perhaps I can’t see the light because I keep on dodging it. Only if I allow myself to grow by making healthy habits and thoughts will I be able to see progress. Growth is and will always be tough, but just because it is, I shouldn’t be afraid to take the first step.

Fake it ’till you make it

Other things that I do to cope are sharing positive thoughts on my feed. This way, not only do I remind other people but I can also apply them to myself. Every time I see a wholesome post on my Facebook timeline, I unfailingly share it for others to see.

Self-reflection and reaching out

Also, I constantly reflect and check on myself. I surround myself with a support system as well; a group of people I trust, with whom I can confide, too. They motivate me and give me the words that I need to keep going to get through this quarter-life crisis.

All in all, this is not to say that I am already through my quarter-life crisis. It is still lingering here, but day by day, I am trying my best to fight it off to the best of my ability. I think I am doing a pretty decent job, and I’m certainly proud of myself for that.

How about you, can you relate to this article? Considering reading more here!

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