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Globe Group banners transition from telco to techco at MWC 2023

Globe Group banners transition from telco to techco at MWC 2023

This year’s MWC will be held from February 27 to March 2, 2023, the world’s largest and most influential exhibition for the connectivity industry. 

Photo from Globe

Meanwhile, the Globe Group’s presence at the much-anticipated international event is an opportunity for the expanding company. Here, it will showcase its commitment to being at the forefront of innovation and progress. President and CEO of the Globe Group Ernest Cu said,

“Our debut at the Mobile World Congress Barcelona is a crucial milestone for the Globe Group as we aim to establish ourselves as a leading digital disruptor and enabler in the Philippines, and banner our evolution from telco to techco. We are proud to showcase our commitment to uplifting the lives of Filipinos through digital transformation, and to be part of the global conversation on the future of technology and connectivity.”

Cu will banner the company’s pivot from telco to techco in a panel with Transcelestial at the event. There, he will join CEOs of top Southeast Asian telcos in a discussion on new network-related technologies and connectivity challenges in the Philippines, among others. 

On the other hand, President and CEO of GCash Martha Sazon will be one of the keynote speakers in a plenary session at the MWC. He will speak on the topic of New Behavior for a New Reality. Martha’s discussion will examine the changing user experience and its essential role as capabilities surrounding the metaverse strengthen. 

Photo from PhilStar Global

Also, Martha will be a session speaker at the Fintech Summit: The Rise of Fintech Disruption. Here, she will delve into how fintech is enabling the creation of powerful and disruptive solutions that are redefining the market.

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GCash is now a double unicorn valued at $2 billion and with a user base of ~76 million. The dominant mobile wallet in the Philippines indeed continues to expand financial services. These include payments and cash transfers to credit, savings, insurance, and investment products. It will also feature an e-commerce platform that offers various retail options. These include food, wellness, travel, recreation, and real estate services. 

Most recently, GCash started its beta launch of GCash Overseas. It allows Filipinos based in Japan, Australia, and Italy to sign up for GCash. They just have to use an international SIM– another game-changer in the Philippine fintech industry. 

The Globe Group has successfully expanded into the country’s leading digital solutions platform. It aims to create a Philippines that reigns as digitally inclusive by leveraging technology. Also, of course, it strives continuously to innovate to meet changing industry conditions.

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