Meet SB19 Justin, the adorable bunso of the group

With the steady rise of SB19, there is this hardworking and very lovable member that every A’Tin loves. Meet the youngest yet the tallest member, Justin de Dios.
Justin, or sometimes Jah, has a heartening story to tell before entering SB19 – a story of taking risk in a life of a student and an idol trainee.
Back then 2019, his older brother tweeted a screenshot text about Justin’s journey and dream. It says, “I remember Justin crying inside his room because he wanted to quit college. He really wanted to become an artist.”
Determine to pursue his dream, Justin submitted several audition pieces to different companies. He fought his dream on performing but let me tell you, our bunso did not quit college but instead he pursued his studies. He graduated with honors and mind you, he finished his thesis alone while being a trainee in ShowBT Ph. This man is indeed an inspiration!
Thus, A’Tin can’t stop loving this man – loving his stable and soft voice that awakens the young hearts in us and of course, his smooth dance skills that can biaswreck your list! Lucky for you if you are from the maisan (Justin’s stan group).
Let me add this to love him even more – Justin is your cutesy, adorable guy. He’s too adorable for his own good, like talking about turtle being his favorite pet and often saying “Hala” or “Oh no” in the cutest way possible. No need to be modest about it for it’s totally true. Besides, he is the member that’s always on time.
Well, I think this is enough for you to love Jah even more. Right, co-A’Tin?