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How to deal with emotional stress during community quarantine

How to deal with emotional stress during community quarantine

We are halfway through the community enhanced quarantine imposed by the national government. Lives have been turned upside down and our daily routines are at a standstill. We’re clueless at what lies ahead which has caused anxiety for all of us. We’ve even become panic-stricken due to the spread of some fake news. We’ve also seen some storylines that kept us entertained from Joy to Koko and now, Sam Morales. But still, we’re in such a unique and dire situation that is unparalleled in human history.


This is such unchartered territory but some have earned a living in isolation and I’m not talking about Rapunzel. Astronauts in space, for example, or doctors who work in far-flung depressed areas. This has been their way of life. Their unwavering passion has not stopped them from thriving in these extreme conditions. It’s something to be admired because we are social creatures and we’re not used to it.

How can we cope up for the next two weeks of community quarantine?

With the world forced into social distancing, a lot of us are finding it hard to deal with the situation. After all, it’s taking a toll on our mental and emotional health. It is proven that loneliness and isolation can lead to depression. So how can we deal with it? As much as we should be concerned with the physical manifestations, it’s imperative that we also look at how emotionally, and mentally incapacitating it could be.

Texas Public Radio/ Pexels CC0

Retired astronaut Scott Kelly talked to CNN about his tips for coping with isolation. He spent 520 days in space over the course of his NASA career. Kelly strongly advised to follow a schedule and pace ourselves. “Having the right expectations and mindset will help you because you know that you will get through it. Diversion is also very important and we should engage in a hobby,” he advised.

What should we do this community quarantine?

Positive Self-Talk

As Kelly said, having a positive mindset can help us get through this. It’s not easy as uncertainty looms around us. Reinforce positive self-talk and distract ourselves from thinking of the worst-case scenario. Cry if you need to, as it can be cathartic, then snap out of it. Think that each passing day is a moving forward experience, that somehow it will end.

Connect with your Loved Ones

Connecting with the people who matter can also change your perspective. It’s the best time to stay together, engage with our loved ones, watch Netflix with them or play board games. These activities can be fun and will surely strengthen our familial bond.

Find Some Coping Strategies

Find some coping strategies as it can also help you. Try to divert yourself, like writing in a journal or try to learn some new skills and have a goal for it. It’s a must that you distract yourself as you can feel edgy and jittery and that will be overwhelming.

Strengthen your Faith

But more than ever, we need to strengthen our faith in God. Worry accomplishes nothing and it only creates fear that can overwhelm us. Let’s admit it, we’re all vulnerable these days. Rather than being worried, we should respond with incessant prayers and strong faith.

Have some time for devotion, to reflect on things. As he said in Philippians 4:6, Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Only he will truly be our refuge so we should cast all our fears to him because he’s in control of everything.

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