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How I realized that there isn’t anything wrong with seeking for help

How I realized that there isn’t anything wrong with seeking for help

Most of us will most likely be diagnosed with a mental health disorder. However, not everyone can receive the same assistance and treatment needed. Accept it. Even though mental illness is common and can affect anyone, there is still a strong stigma attached to it. This stigma makes people hesitant and ashamed to seek help.

We’ve been fighting for it over the years. However, it is still not enough. I believe that mental illnesses and physical illnesses are inseparable. Therefore, it should be given the same treatment as physical illnesses. Poor mental health affects everyone. No one is exempted from it. It can happen to any of us at any time.

How my mental illness started

I did not know it back until it became really severe. I almost lost myself.

For the past two years, I was suffering from mental illness. The funny thing is I was unaware that I am depressed. Because why would I get depressed? I get to receive the love that I need from my family and friends. I am surrounded by good people. Everything is perfectly fine. So I was wondering, why would someone like me get depressed?

I did not know what was wrong back then, because I don’t really have a problem. As I’ve said I am surrounded by good things in life. And for that, I am beyond grateful. But, even the healthiest person could get sick. No one is exempted from this. Even the richest nor the wealthiest man alive can’t be saved from this dilemma.

It was last year in May when people started noticing that I am rapidly losing weight. The effects of the depression were too much that they cannot be unseen. It was alarming that my parents have to send me immediately to the nearest clinic. Then we found out that I was really suffering from anxiety and depression. I thought I was doing fine. But I was never really well. Then it occurred to me. It can happen to anyone, anytime, without any reason.

The need for healing

I couldn’t step outside without concealing everything in my body because I was too conscious of my looks. I was too afraid to hear criticism that’s why I stay away from people. They would always gossip about what happened to me. Their unwanted criticisms kept echoing in my mind and I found it difficult to have peace at night.

See Also

Our society is toxic. People who have mental illnesses are viewed as crazy and weak. They called us names such as attention-seekers and other phrases that are too upsetting to hear. Because of that, I was scared of admitting that I needed help. I was worried that people would judge me, treat me differently, or even bully me. So, I refused to get any help.  I insisted that I was okay and could fix it myself. But things only got worse. That’s when I decided to get treated.

Looking back now, I cannot believe how sick and miserable I was. I cannot imagine how my life would be if I had not received help. Maybe I wouldn’t witness the great things that happened after if I happened to end everything at that moment.

Receiving help is the most important thing anyone can do for themselves. But unfortunately, the stigma keeps people from getting help.  Mental illness should not be something to be ashamed of or thought of differently. When mental illness is treated equally to other illnesses, more people will have the courage to get help and better their lives.

There is no better way to save this problem than to face it. Talk about it. End the stigma. Start saving lives now.

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