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Five things you can do to fix your sleep schedule

Five things you can do to fix your sleep schedule

Nowadays, sleep schedules became one of the major problems we faced in our everyday lives. We struggle to resolve our unhealthy sleeping patterns. So, it’s either you are having hard times getting up early, or finishing tasks in a day because of a messed-up body clock.

So, here are some ways on how to fix your sleep according to the Sleep Advisor website:

Five things you can do to fix your sleep schedule

1. Reduce caffeine intake

I know, no one can ever resist the smell and taste of coffee. However, excessive intake of caffeine is not good at all.  A study performed in 2013 proved that caffeine affects sleep disturbances up to 6 hours. So, when you plan to take bedtime, it’s much better to finish your cup of coffee six hours before you sleep.

2. Stick to your schedule

Having your own sleep schedule will help you to manage your time and maintain your body clock. But it is more effective when you always follow and stick to it. Making it alone won’t give benefits but sticking to it possibly will fix your sleeping patterns.

3. Watch your meals

Aside from that, you must also watch your meals before bedtime. Since your body cannot rest early if you’re so full. Avoid large meals or try to intake light snacks which are high in protein with low sugar. This will help y0ur body early at rest and relax.

4. Stop using electronics

Sometimes, we tend to enjoy using gadgets at our bedtime. Yet, we don’t know that it affects our sleeping routine. According to the research, there is something about the blue light coming from the electronics that interferes with the circadian rhythm. It’s about the light level which has an impact on our sleep-wake cycle. So, better to avoid exposing yourself within an hour before sleeping.

Five things you can do to fix your sleep schedule

5. Avoid stress

Thinking too much, having worries, doubts, and stress before bedtime also affect the routine. However, sometimes we can’t just help ourselves in this situation. So, we tend to suffer from messed-up body clock which is hard to fix. But, if you want to have a healthy sleep schedule, prevent or lessen the exposure of yourself which causes your stress.

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The ways presented above are some tips on how to fix your sleep schedule. Yet, there’s no specific time when or until you can achieve to establish your healthy sleeping patterns. According to the experts, it takes 2 weeks or months to reach this goal. But if your condition and situation cannot resolve these ways it’s better to consult doctors.

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