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Common New Year’s Resolutions that people fail all the time

Common New Year’s Resolutions that people fail all the time

A new year symbolizes a new chapter. We aim to list down a few goals for self-improvement. However, it’s literally the same story every January. With 2023 coming up, millions of people set out to create goals that range from getting fitter to becoming financially independent. They often start with the best of intentions. However, a lot of people fail their New Year’s resolutions every single year. According to J.C. Norcross and D.J. Vangarelli’s research on the longitudinal examination of New Year’s change attempts, 80% of resolutions have been abandoned by February.

Common New Year’s Resolutions that people fail all the time

Exercise more. 

Exercising more or losing weight has become the most common New Year’s resolution. The holidays were all about celebrating and eating (a lot). So, it does make sense that you weigh more than you usually do. But, the thing is, slowly exercising more might not be sexy, but it’s a lot more effective. Do not expect to lose weight right away because that is actually an unhealthy result. So, go for small changes that aren’t intimidating. And, we’re sure, you’ll do great!

Eat healthier and diet. 

Eating healthier and going on a diet is usually an extension of the previous New Year’s resolution. Switching to a healthier diet is tricky, especially when you’re surrounded by cheap junk food. You need to be consistent if you want to achieve your goal. It should be a habit and a process that would make you successful. Making a resolution will not help to follow through with your goals, but your determination will. 

Quit smoking.

Smoking is a bit of a bad habit that a lot of people don’t know how to kick. Smoking endangers your health. It takes a lot of willpower to give up cigarettes once and for all. But, the thing is, quitting cold turkey doesn’t work. If it was quick and easy, everybody would do it. So, as a New Year’s resolution, it’s in your best interest to slowly lessen the cigarettes that you smoke every single day. For example, you smoke four sticks a day. Try, lessening it to three sticks a day. Then, the week after that, you can go for two sticks a day. Remove one stick every week and slowly, you won’t be smoking at all. 

Learn a new language.

Not only will learning a new language help improve your communication skills, but it will also look great on your resumé. Plus, it will be easier when traveling. But, the thing is, you won’t succeed in this resolution if you don’t enjoy the process. So, is it any wonder people struggle with studying another language when they see it as a chore or a dreadful bore? The best thing to approach this is to make sure that you actually love what you’re doing. Make it fun however you’ve got to do it. 

Save money. 

Financial ignorance is one of the biggest reasons people have difficulty saving, even as a New Year’s resolution. Many people don’t understand how to save or budget their money. This causes people to spend more than they earn. Ignorance, on the other hand, leads us to make bad financial decisions that further our ability to save. But, the thing is, learning more about practical ways and making use of hacks and apps will help you save money more efficiently. 

Travel more. 

Traveling has always been something that a lot of people wanted to do. But, there are so many things that stop them from doing so. These include having finances to be in order, getting the right equipment, and investing time and effort to travel. But, the thing is, there are ways of experiencing different cultures and visiting faraway places even on a tighter budget. You just have to do more research. 

Drink less alcohol.

Although it’s completely safe to drink one or two glasses of alcohol, not a lot of people can say that they can follow this rule effectively. Getting your alcohol consumption under control has plenty of benefits. However, even as a New Year’s resolution, it can be a difficult process. You can start by going sober curious and starting slow. You can also use the example we mentioned earlier. If you’re used to having two bottles of beer after work, cut it down to one for a week. Then, try lessening them as time passes by. You can go for drinking one bottle of beer once or twice a week. 

See Also

Reduce stress and get more sleep.

Stress is one of the biggest killers out there. It can have a very destructive effect on your relationships, as well as your health. Relating to stress, getting enough sleep at night can be hard. Feeling stressed and not getting enough sleep may remain an unavoidable side effect of our hectic modern lifestyles. However, it can be effectively managed with the help of useful practice for stress management and following a few tips for better sleep. 

Read more.

Reading is a great way of escapism. It’s also an excellent way to gain a lot of knowledge on a huge variety of topics. Plus, it’s also a great exercise for your brain. But, choosing a book that really speaks to you is hard. But, the thing is, to achieve your goal for this New Year’s resolution, you need to make it a habit. Discover your favorite genre, and find a bit of time for reading here and there. So, don’t worry, and get to the bookstore now!

Find a significant other. 

We all want one. But, finding the right person is a matter of trial and error. You need to go out and get to know a bunch of potential partners before you can find the right one to get along with really well. Ask someone out and have a unique first date. It might go well. If it doesn’t, then at least, you are one step further to meeting the love of your life. 

Hopefully, this article encourages you to achieve your self-improvement and continue your New Year’s resolutions as 2023 progresses. Happy New Year!

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