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In High School, I took my first Liquor Shot

In High School, I took my first Liquor Shot

Just a fun little piece of writing from my high school days. For context, this is one for “dumb things you did as a kid.” And my entry is how I took that liquor shot, underage, at school, as class president, with more classes to attend afterwards.

High School trippings

high school trippings

So, this happened when I was in grade nine, or my third year of junior high. Despite my lack of leadership abilities at the time, I was elected class president, so I just put up with it and made it work. My friendships with my classmates weren’t very strong. But my relationship with my classmates wasn’t that good. I only had a few very good friends that I am still in touch with until now.

The liquor shot I took came from a group of classmates who were unlikely to drink. But they were whispering about how one of our classmates had a small bottle of liquor with her and that they were doing shots. I recall asking what it was, but I don’t remember what kind of liquor it was.

I believe she asked me to take a shot as well, just from the cap of that small bottle. And of course, the naive me, who had never tasted alcohol, was not threatened by the bottle’s small cap. But I knew everything would be fine, so I didn’t even think about it when I said “okay”.


I took the filled cap they provided and gave it a whiff. Despite the fact that they were all staring at me and the smell was unfamiliar, I didn’t even want to back down. I took it.. Of course, instant coughing!!!

The warmth, the bitter taste, the overwhelming feeling liquor gives you that needs to be downed with a chaser or pulutan–some type of food or snack that would help the bitter taste go away. They had none to offer, even salt. Just straight liquor down my throat.

See Also

The beginning of something

While some of my classmates were cracking up and others were worried. I think at that point I realized it didn’t really affect me because I was fine the entire day, granted it was only one shot. But as an adult now,  I do hold my liquor really well.

Looking back, I am now just stunned that my first liquor shot was a class president, on the premises of our school grounds, and underage for that matter too. I’m so dumb and really one for the books!

That concludes my entry for today. I wasn’t the best class president, especially when it came to letting my underage classmates drink and not telling them otherwise, and actually tolerating their actions. Haha! But, you know, we’ve all made foolish decisions back in high school that we now look back on with amusement. So, what’s yours?

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