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A Reminder For Your 20s

A Reminder For Your 20s

When you’re young, it’s quite easy to think that you have an already set path you have to walk on as you grow older because the adults around you have become the example. They have their jobs and they make enough money to sustain their needs for everyday life. You’re expected to be just like them and so that is the path you try to follow. They say that being in your 20s should be an exciting time. For some, it is. For others, there is that dreaded feeling within them as the days pass by. It’s scary because it looms over you. It’s the feeling of being aimless and being behind everyone else. 

Out Into The World

Early 20s is usually the time when young adults leave school and step out into a bigger world. Even before that, there is that question about what they are going to do with their life. Sure, the most common and practical answer is to find a steady job and then maybe make something out of it that you can be comfortable with for the rest of your life. That’s the end goal that the youth hear around them. The reality is that it is drilled into them. 

It is draining to fight against something that you can’t brush off like it is weightless. You may be in your last year of college and you have no idea what you are going to do. Throw in the pandemic into this situation and that negative ominous feeling is heavier. There is anxiety building up that makes you think you probably don’t have the right skills because everything you’ve learned through a screen is not enough. You’re probably thinking that the lack of experience will not land you a stable job.

early 20s

A Reminder For Your 20s

When you’re growing, you can’t help but feel aimless in life. You look at everyone around you and feel like they’re doing something worthwhile. You would be in your 20s looking at the years ahead of you and fearing for what is to come or if something will come at all. Stepping into a bigger world or exploring the unknown is probably what others see as the exciting thing but it can also be frightening because if you’re not doing something, you’re seen as a failure. It all suddenly feels like a race and you’re in your 20s, still young, and you’re already losing. 

See Also

early 20s

Maybe this time, this generation could be the ones to break the tradition. Maybe this time, we stop being the adults surrounding children who tell them their expectations for their own future. We should not be the ones who equate aimlessness to failure. Having no definite direction does not mean you’re not going anywhere with your life. Life doesn’t set only one path for every person.

Whichever one you are on right now, you’re already headed somewhere and you’ll never find yourself alone in your journey. 

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