
Why is my face flaky and what can I do about it?

There are many factors that may cause a dry and flaky face. It causes ongoing discomfort and feelings of self-consciousness. Although dryness and flaking are usually temporary, it affects all skin types at any age. However, it is common in people with chronically dry or sensitive skin. But, there are recommendations on addressing these and restoring the appearance of hydrated and healthy-looking skin. 

Why is my face flaky and what can I do about it?

The reason behind dry and flaky faces revolves around producing less sebum or natural oils than other skin types like normal, combination, or oily skin. People with dry skin type produce less oil and their skin is left without proper moisture and protection from the environment.

There are also other people who may be susceptible to a dry and flaky complexion. These include those who live in very dry or cold climates, individuals with certain illnesses, smokers, and anyone middle-aged or older. As you age, your skin actually produces less sebum with levels dropping significantly. 

Avoid these things to remedy dry skin and flaky face

No hot showers for you. 

Water strips your skin of its oils which leads to dryness. You should also limit baths or showers to five to ten minutes. You will also need to use warm water, not hot. Aside from that, choose mild soaps and don’t over-lather. When you dry off, on the other hand, blot your skin instead of rubbing it with a towel. 

Moisturize often.

It’s actually better to use moisturizers in cream or ointment form. These are more effective than lotions at trapping moisture in your skin. For many people, petroleum jelly remains the safest and most cost-effective way to moisturize the skin without clogging its pores. Aside from that, you should also look for products that contain soothing ingredients. Each time you wash your face, apply moisturizer immediately. These include the following:

  • Jojoba oil
  • Shea butter
  • Acetic acid
  • Urea
  • Hyaluronic acid
  • DImethicone
  • Glycerin
  • Lanolin
  • Mineral oil
  • Petroleum jelly

Avoid certain ingredients in skin care products. 

One of the reasons why your skin is dry and flaky revolves around being sensitive or allergic to fragrances, dyes, or a chemical in the product. If that’s the case, you need to stop using those products and see if it makes a difference. If you have dry skin, you need to choose the ones that are labeled hypoallergenic and fragrance-free. You also need to avoid retinoids and alcohol as it is especially drying. 

Home remedies to help out with your skin concern

Our skin naturally produces oil called sebum. This protects us from moisture loss. However, everyday actions like forgetting to put on moisturizer or taking a shower with a drying soap usually strip away these natural oils. So, the next time your skin feels dry and flaky, you can try out easy at-home remedies. All you need to do is go to your fridge or pantry for the ingredients. 

Olive oil as a moisturizer

If you need moisture ASAP, using extra virgin olive oil as an alternative to your moisturizer can help out with this. It contains vitamin E, antioxidants, squalene, and other properties that can repair damaged skin. However, it may not be a good choice for acne-prone skin as it risks clogging your pores.

Olive oil may reduce inflammation but, applying it topically on its own may damage skin barriers. But, if you decide to try this home remedy, dermatologists recommend a pure and regular form that isn’t refined with other oils. Plus, you’ll have to use it sparingly like applying a few drops to a face mask. Aside from that, you can massage the oil into arid areas on your skin. 

Creamy avocado face mask

A homemade avocado mask is also a good and natural way to soothe dry skin. It has a lot of antioxidants and probiotics that will promote healthy and glowing skin. Combine a half avocado with a one-fourth cup of plain Greek yogurt which will improve skin texture due to its lactic acid content.

Aside from that, you can also add manuka honey and a teaspoon of turmeric for potential anti-inflammatory skin conditions. Make sure you apply it on clean skin and let it set for five to ten minutes before rinsing it off. 

See Also

Coconut oil and sugar scrub

Dead skin cells also give your skin a dry texture and flaky appearance. To treat that, you can consider using a gentle homemade sugar scrub. Dermatologists recommend using a cup of brown or granulated sugar with a half cup of coconut oil. You can actually also add an essential oil like lavender.

The lavender scent adds a natural fragrance, promotes relaxation, and decreases anxiety. You can gently rub the scrub into your skin for up to thirty seconds. Then, wash it off with lukewarm water. End the entirety by using soothing moisturizer to lock in the benefits of freshly-exfoliated skin. 

Easy oatmeal soak

A cup of oatmeal in a warm bath can naturally rehydrate dry skin. The product itself is already soothing and it helps your skin retain moisture from the bathwater. For a mess-free soak, on the other hand, you can tie the oats to your faucet in a pantyhose and run your water through them. 

If you have eczema, oatmeal may offer relief from dry, inflamed, and/or irritated skin with both atopic and contact dermatitis. Colloidal oatmeal treated hand eczema with its anti-inflammatory, soothing, and protective effects. Aside from that, you can actually also use oatmeal for a homemade mask. 

Aloe vera gel

Probably the easiest one out of the entirety is acquiring aloe vera gel. Although it is often thought of as a sunburn relief, aloe vera gel helps out with excess dryness and flaky skin. Plus, aloe vera gel is sold in many health and beauty markets. You can even grow aloe vera in your house and use it as much as you can. Aside from helping out with dryness, it can also decrease signs of aging. 

Overall, you can do a lot to avoid dry and flaky skin. Make moisturizing a part of your daily skincare routine and develop other skin-friendly bathing habits. Avoid exposing your skin to harsh chemicals and drink plenty of water. 

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