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Brazil supreme court rejects removal of Netflix over gay Jesus comedy

Brazil supreme court rejects removal of Netflix over gay Jesus comedy


Netflix’s The First Temptation of Christ has been controversial since its release. However, on Thursday, Brazil’s highest court sides with Netflix on the decision to not remove the movie. Supreme Federal Court, Judge Antonio Dias Toffoli, sided with Netflix after the petition of temporary banning of the movie. It is denied that the movie was insulting to Christians.

“One cannot suppose that a humorous satire has the ability to weaken the values of the Christian faith, whose existence is traced back more than two thousand years, and which is the belief of the majority of Brazilian citizens,” the Judge said.

Photo from Business Insider

The film is produced by Brazilian production company Porta dos Fundos. On December 3 after its release, the movie gained a massive criticism from conservative politicians, evangelicals and Catholic church.

The story depicts Jesus Christ in a gay relationship. Jesus returned home with his boyfriend Orlando after 40 days in desert, as Mary and Joseph plan a surprise party for his 30th birthday.

Netflix did not respond to AFP’s request for comment on Thursday’s decision. However, they came out with a support on the show on Wednesday.

“We strongly support artistic expression and we will fight to defend this important principle, which is the heart of great stories,” a spokesperson for Netflix told AFP.

The film is still available on the streaming platform.

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