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Hueza offers the ideal comfort food for munching at home or during road trips

Hueza offers the ideal comfort food for munching at home or during road trips

Comfort foods, in general, have the ability to evoke vivid and detailed emotional memories of our past. The scent of freshly baked cookies may remind you of those cold December mornings with your family. Allow me to introduce the perfect snacks if you need a mood boost from Hueza.


Learning from failures of the past

After graduating from college, Katrina “Kat” Valdehueza worked as a corporate employee but her heart really belongs to baking. At first, she tried establishing a commissary but that failed. In 2017, she tried again but this time on a smaller scale. That’s when Hueza started and until now, it operates with just a team of 3 persons.

During the quarantine, Hueza had some struggles as an online shop due to restrictions in movements. But Kat mentioned that they overcame the problem with a good strategy and a backup plan.

Aside from that, she thinks that passion is necessary to continue with your business by saying.

“First, I think you need to have a passion. You need to love what you’re doing. Second, you need to have a good team. Third and most importantly, you need to listen to your customers. Good communication and engagement are the keys to a successful business.”

She also learned a lot from the failure of my first business venture. The very idea that she can get back on her feet keeps her going. Moreover, she really values her teammates’ loyalty. Lastly, Kat shared a valuable lesson for those people who are hesitant to put up their own business:

“Don’t stop doing what they love. But to do this, one should also be able to learn how to listen and adapt to the current situation. Like what my Dad told me – learn when to move forward and sideways, but never be afraid to pause.”

Hueza baked goodies will be your new go-to merienda

So what is Hueza all about? It’s a start-up local brand of baked goods. All of the products are original and their packaging is sustainable and perfect for quick snacking. I can say that it really fits our lifestyle as Filipinos who often look for “merienda” during coffee breaks.

For their bestseller, the Super Thin Brownie Crisps is a must-try product. It is oozing with cocoa taste but the texture is like potato chips. Aside from sweetness, I can also taste a hint of nuttiness and saltiness. Combining all of those makes it quite addicting. It’s also versatile since you can pair it with coffee, tea, milk, and even wine. But I personally loved it with a cup of joe.

Many repeat customers of Hueza said that the taste of their products is consistent. They also appreciate the packaging since you can notice the makers have given time and effort to do them.

For this coming holiday season, Hueza added three new products to their menu with consideration to everyone’s preferences. First is the Cookie Crumbs flavor is meant for kids. After I opened the tub, I instantly smelled the heavenly cookies. They have a similar taste to vanilla ice cream and angel food cake.

Hueza releases Cheese Craze for adult snackers that is great if you’re into savory chips for a while. They taste so good with wine and I could not stop myself taking another bite.

The most interesting addition for me is FroDough. It’s a frozen cookie dough that you bake at home. That way, you’re not only enjoying sweets but also learning a new skill without the hassle.

To order a tub from Hueza, just send them a message on their Facebook and Instagram accounts. Their products are also available on these platforms: FoodPanda, Klook, and The Good Trade. The shop is open every day unless they run out of stocks or no option for delivery.

In addition to these, Super Thin Brownie Crisps are also available in selected All Day Supermarkets and Select WSR Sucat.

Hueza truly stands out from the rest of the sweet shops online because their tubs bring comfort that suits the Pinoy palate. It’s a convenient snack that I did not even notice I’m almost halfway with the tub.

We know you’re already craving for that crunchy bite. Go ahead and order!

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