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A lesbian-centered digital series is coming our way

A lesbian-centered digital series is coming our way

Let’s celebrate love! We are all searching for a breather in these numerous socio-political issues. Don’t worry, we got you! Hailed from the north, Camp Avenue Studios presents “Chasing Sunsets the Series”, the first-ever lesbian-centered digital series that tackles Mental Health and HIV awareness.


Mr. Renz-Bhil Tugelida

Ms. Stephanie-Rose Quiros

Mr. Renz-Bhil Tugelida and Ms. Stephanie-Rose Quiros, the creators of the series, are advocates for equality in the LGBTQIA+ community, and awareness for Mental Health and HIV patients. They believe that through this series, the stigma and stereotypes about these certain social issues will at least be suppressed and the people will be aware about the reality of people who experience on these certain issues.


In this time, representation of every spectrum in the LGBTQIA+ community is needed and we want that as much as we love the hype of Boy Love Series (BL Series) right now, the visibility of the lesbians and other genders are also important to be shown to people. This is one way to genuinely accept the society about the world of queer.  Not boxed up in the equality movement, but we are also tapping different social issues that we are currently facing right now. Aside from the aforementioned central issues of the series, we also know that there is the trend about the misrepresentation of single parents in our social media platforms and with that, we want to bring justice about their reality and hardships in upbringing single-handedly their children.


Chasing Sunsets the Series’ trailer has been uploaded in Camp Avenue’s Facebook Page and in Camp Avenue Studios YouTube account. The first episode was released on June 12, 2020, in time for Independence Day. Let the community be heard!


Aura Dominique as Lara Bautista


Donna Erno as Farrah Domingo


John Kevin Patacsil as Dominic Fernandez

Rose Ann Pascua as Cheche Bartolome

Mark Hora as King Alonzo


Director – Renz-Bhil Tugelida

Assistant Director/Editor – Tonet Gaerlan

Screenwriter – Stephanie-Rose Quiros

Director of Photography – Jonathan Geronimo

Associate Producer/Production Manager – Vergel Ducusin

The official trailer of Chasing Sunsets has finally been released! Here are the links:


YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrsXZXXbTEA&t=9s

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecampavenue/videos/1562671157235369/

See Also

Episode 1:

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDS63y_RGxo

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